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Network for the Welfare of Sierra Leoneans Overseas (NEWSLO) |
Dear President Ernest Bai Koroma,
We the Sierra Leoneans in the Diaspora are immensely concerned about the negation of our welfare. We have Embassies and High Commissions that are required to coordinate our needs and concerns, but it seems their representation of us is not bearing the required fruits. From observation, the bulk of the Sierra Leone groups formed are ethnic or political or sectarian in general. It is becoming clear that our foreign offices are promoting their political group, rather than a non-sectarian Sierra Leone Union overseas meant to promote the real needs of the community.
We are strongly yearning for the coordination of a unified group in foreign nations that is non-discriminatory, transparent and accountable, and can address the welfare needs. It is our conviction that, as a nation, we are one family and those placed in the position to govern us should dispense a true mother-child relationship. There are many Sierra Leoneans suffering overseas, some isolated in prisons and in mental homes, some homeless and unemployed. The visitation and concern of those in prison and mental homes can signify that the national family cares, and it can supplement the reformation process. It is indisputable that those family members in prison had committed crimes and those in mental homes lost track of normality in life, yet still, they are part of the national family chain. There is the need to have coordinating committees within the union meant to create the magnetic field for investors, promote tourism, facilitate exchange programmes between institutions in the host countries and at home, and embark on other activities for the community to have the home flavour and those at home to have the foreign flavour within the spirit of globalisation. We feel those governing us have the duty of care to supplement the efforts of the host countries. We can independently organise ourselves into a union, but the nation’s blessing and support are the way to forward to sustain our activities. We are highly convinced that the foreign offices require an agency, in the form of a union, between them and the Sierra Leone community overseas. The kind of a union that operates within the purview of defined ethics, democratic principles, and honestly transparent and accountable to stakeholders (that is the foreign office, members of the community, government agencies in the host country, creditors, pressure groups and other interest groups).
Sir, we want our foreign offices to facilitate the formation of a union that serves as an agency between them and the Sierra Leone community. We want the foreign offices to move beyond their traditional approach and raise the community torch to an emulating and affectionate point. The point where the community will be proud that our government cares for the national family. The union is relevant for the following reasons:
· To serve as a liaison between the foreign office and to provide an on-going surgery in order to listen and diagnose the concerns of the community.
· To create a hub for attracting investments in Sierra Leone, promote exchange programmes between institutions in host countries and at home, and to encourage the spirit of globalisation through the synchronisation of foreign and domestic flavours.
· To provide legal aid and representation to those members of our community that deserves it.
· To identify, after a proper screening, those members of the Sierra Leone community that are truly homeless or need humanitarian attention and recommend them to the appropriate agencies responsible, and to assist them to achieve a peaceful settlement in the host country.
· To create employment opportunities through an Enterprise Development Scheme (EDS). The EDS scheme shall provide affordable services like health care (Pharmacy), education, entertainment, retailing (co-operative shops), micro-financing, Consultancy and other social needs beneficial to the community.
· To settle disputes that may arise among the community through an Arbitration and Re-conciliatory Mechanism (ARM).
· To create a partnership with the relevant welfare agencies in order to mutually benefit from the pool of skills, resources and all needed to promote a peaceful atmosphere for our community.
· To ensure that our Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) are satisfactory met and to promote sustainable trust between the entity and stakeholders.
Sir, we are further concern about the skyrocketing price of air tickets and international calls to the country. When we compare the fees levied on air transport and international calls by other nations, we feel the relevant government agencies do not have our concerns at the heart of its agenda. It is inevitable that the perpetual unreasonable fees levied by our government agencies are responsible for the weak investment climate, as ongoing unhealthy policies will continue to scare investors away.
Mr President, we are resonating these issues because of our unflinching affection for the nation. We strongly feel our foreign offices should extend its activities to the tackling of the welfare of Sierra Leoneans overseas. We are recommending that the foreign offices explore an action that will unify the community towards the agenda of promoting their welfare basket, as it is a recipe for triggering patriotism and peace. We want to see our foreign offices promoting a union, through democratic principles, that can facilitate a unified and non-discriminatory community, serves as a liaison between our foreign offices and the community, and meant to provide the social needs of the target group. We are yearning for a foreign office that can unify its community, promotes the national identity and fairly meet the needs of the community. The community and the national family can be inspired to contribute to growth if the governance equitably cares about their social needs. Promoting a sound investment climate in our country is of immense concern and this can be achieved though appeasing policies by the relevant government agencies. We are clamouring for reasonable fees on flights, international calls and all other strategic decisions meant to create the required magnetic field to attract investors. The right investment environment can have a multiplier effect on employment, economic growth and development.
Sir, a large proportion of the community had lost hope in the governance at home and abroad, due to the experience of the past and the lost hope still thrives on. This hope can only be restored through ideal policies by our governance. The people are tired of the dominant self-interest in relation to the national interest. The past civil war was as a result of prolonged autocratic governance, weak public policies, unfair distribution of wealth that led to a largely disgruntled populace, a weak dispensation of democracy and political intolerance, regional imbalances, weak promotion of the peoples' patriotic spirit, and the deprivation of the
peoples' social needs. The country remains a fragile State if the issues that led to the past war are inappropriately handled. The stability of the nation matters and a stable nation would warrant the happiness of the people. The people (at home and abroad) can be happy when their governance fairly cares for their needs, strongly unifies the nation and promotes a society that is peaceful for all. We want a harmonious nation that all can be passionate about and proud to live.
Sir, a large proportion of the community had lost hope in the governance at home and abroad, due to the experience of the past and the lost hope still thrives on. This hope can only be restored through ideal policies by our governance. The people are tired of the dominant self-interest in relation to the national interest. The past civil war was as a result of prolonged autocratic governance, weak public policies, unfair distribution of wealth that led to a largely disgruntled populace, a weak dispensation of democracy and political intolerance, regional imbalances, weak promotion of the peoples' patriotic spirit, and the deprivation of the
peoples' social needs. The country remains a fragile State if the issues that led to the past war are inappropriately handled. The stability of the nation matters and a stable nation would warrant the happiness of the people. The people (at home and abroad) can be happy when their governance fairly cares for their needs, strongly unifies the nation and promotes a society that is peaceful for all. We want a harmonious nation that all can be passionate about and proud to live.
Motto: Promoting a unified and peaceful Sierra Leonean Community Overseas
Great and insightful. You have said it all. Whether they listen and act on it is the question.